Making Life’s Puzzle Pieces Fit Using The Twelve Principles of Personal Leadership – Book Review
Ken Altenbach
Greg L. Thomas wrote this book deliberately to remind his readers of what principled-living is all about. I am reminded almost daily of the poor decisions made by others who unbelievably feel the correct way to treat others is through lying, cheating, corruption or deception.
This is done by many individuals simply to move ahead in this world. Living by honest and ethical principles seems to be an out-dated way of personal conduct that was once an expected part of our culture. Sadly, intentionally hurting our fellow man has become socially acceptable in today’s modern world and our organizations. To many, the end results now justify the means… by whatever means are possible to gain an advantage.
The dictionary states that a “principle,” is an accepted or professed rule of action, or conduct. For example, a person of good moral principles accepts those morals as personally valuable, or a rule of conduct. This is exactly how Greg L Thomas describes the 12 Principles in his book. They are endorsed as “accepted professional conduct,” with positive results by using good moral principles.
As you read this book, you will discover the one clear undeniable fact… these principles are meant for each of us to live by if we truly want to become successful. We cannot expect others to follow us without first living by the principles ourselves, hence the name in the title, “personal leadership.” As the author describes in the book, personal leadership is about making yourself a better person by growing from the inside out and not allowing outside circumstances to determine who you are, or how you should live. By changing yourself first, you will have the moral right to coach and expect others to change and grow as individuals. I was truly captivated and intrigued throughout the whole book because Thomas uses many personal examples from his own life, as well as examples of past historical leaders to show how the principles apply. He discusses their struggles and how by living the 12 Principles they were able to overcome difficult obstacles. I even learned some interesting history about the ethics of my American forefathers!
Greg L Thomas gives you a blueprint on how to apply, (in order), all twelve principles. Pay particular attention to principles number ten and twelve. Principle ten is titled, “Know Thyself” and Thomas asks us to candidly take an inventory within ourselves. He encourages us to truly understand who we are on the inside, not who we think we are. Only by honestly answering this question and correcting any of our deficiencies, will we be able to live a life without duplicity. You will need to read the book in its original chapter order to appreciate why principle twelve is so powerful. You will soon discover… when reading this final principle why the other eleven principles are so deeply rooted within it, and the author.
I would not be exaggerating when I say that I felt Thomas’s passion as I read each individual principle and understood why they are so important to him. The enthusiasm comes through because he uses them himself to practice personal leadership. The last chapter was cleverly written because he demonstrates how much more powerful the first eleven principles can be when principle twelve is applied. As I mentioned earlier, the definition of personal leadership is about making yourself a better person, and inspiring others around you to become greater as well. Thomas writes this book to let the reader know how he has grown to become a “servant” leader”, and to outline how you too can become a dynamic leader of others as well. The question remains… can these principles be learned in the business world? I believe if we stop the “quick fixes” or the selfish “give me what I want” attitude that so many possess today, we can make our organizations, and our world a better place to live. Greg L Thomas hit a homerun with this book and I for one will continue to practice and teach these valuable principles of personal leadership.
Making Life’s Puzzle Pieces Fit
Using The Twelve Principles of Personal Leadership
Xlibris – 2009 (150 pages hardback)
Author Greg L. Thomas
ISBN 978-104363-8843-6
weLEAD Rating – highly recommended
Quote of the Day
“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.”
— General George Patton