Leadership by the Book - Book Review

Leadership by the Book – Book Review

1.6 min read

Ken Blanchard, Bill Hybel, and Phil Hodges

This is a unique book in both its purpose and style. Blanchard, Hybels and Hodges set out to teach servant-leadership by returning to its religious roots. Leadership by the Book is written in the form of a parable or story. It portrays the interaction of three different leaders: a professor, minister and young business professional. The purpose of the book is to teach management skills and ethics by examining the example of Christianity’s founder, Jesus Christ. As the authors state in the introduction, “We believe there is a perfect practitioner and teacher of effective leadership. That person is Jesus of Nazareth, who embodied the heart and methods of a fully committed and effective servant leader.”

However, this book is not intended to be either sectarian or a promotional treatise on Christianity and its founder. The authors continue, “In this book we invite students of leadership from all faiths, cultures and experience to take another look at the leadership genius of Jesus.” Throughout the text Blanchard, Hybels and Hodges endeavor to cite various examples of Jesus Christ as a source for learning valuable lessons in effective leadership. They also suggest basic strategies for bringing values and vision to any organization.

Many books written on servant leadership are authored by intellectuals who make this essential philosophy difficult to grasp and appreciate. This book is different. Leadership by the Book can be called a primer on servant leadership and is written in an easy to understand linguistic style. Don’t let the number of pages fool you. With large print and generous word spacing, it can easily be read in one or two sittings.

Leadership by the Book: Tools to Transform Your Workplace

William Morrow and Company – 1999 (220 pages in hardback)

Authors Ken Blanchard, Bill Hybels and Phil HodgesISBN 0-688-17239-3

weLEAD rating: highly recommended

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  • Quote of the Day

    “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

    — Proverbs 29:18