8 Traits of Effective Leaders (Powerpoint Presentation)
Greg L. Thomas
Attached is part of a PowerPoint presentation presented by weLEAD during a recent seminar in Akron, Ohio.
This portion of the seminar program focused on 8 Traits of Effective Leaders and some recommendations for leadership self-discovery.
It is provided in both PowerPoint and Rich Text format.
You may download the files for later offline viewing by pointing to the file and “right clicking” your mouse. Chose the menu option “save target as” and then choose the directory you want the file to be saved in. Click on the “save” radio button and in a minute the file will be saved on your hard drive for later viewing. Two different files are available below. One is a PowerPoint file.
You will obviously need Microsoft PowerPoint to see the program. The other file is the basic text Outline to the program in Rich Text Format (RTF) and can be seen in most word processors.
Quote of the Day
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”
— Warren Bennis