From the Editor
Michael T. Miller
Spring 2015
From the Editor…….. Volume 13, Number 1
I am pleased and saddened to present this issue of the Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership. I am pleased because this is truly one of the strongest sets of manuscripts to be presented in the Journal, and I am saddened that it is my last in serving as Editor. The Journal has proven to be an outstanding outlet for both academic and practical commentary and research, and I am personally grateful to my friend and colleague Greg Thomas for allowing me to spend these past five years as Editor.
My gratitude to the many authors who have chosen the Journal as an outlet for their academic work, and I certainly encourage future researchers, practitioners, and scholars to continue their debates about leadership and learning in these pages.
Best wishes for the spring and summer!
Michael T. Miller
Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership
Quote of the Day
“I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”
— Ralph Nader